
Wedding Invitation

Wedding Invitation design. Other coordinating pieces to follow!


Hands and Feet

Shots from a fun "Mommy & Me" shoot!

Promotional Poster for KL Photography

Promotional poster created for KL Photography, my personal photography company. All photography and artwork original.

Full Page promotional ad in the Bridal Guide

Full page advertisement detailing CVBG's upcoming events. Photo and layout created by myself.

Bridal Guide Ad for Avenel Plantation

Avenel is a beautiful historic plantation located in Bedford, Virginia. During my time with CVBG, I was commissioned to design their ad for the 2009-2010 Guide. It was such an honor to design an ad that pays homage to its simple elegance.

Arctic Spray Advertisement

Full page magazine ad and full color shelf-talker concepts created for Arctic Spray.

Central Virginia Bridal Guide Showcase Poster

This was created as promotional material for the 12th Annual Bridal Showcase. It was posted in various locations around Lynchburg and the surrounding areas. Design and layout were done by myself, photography taken by Crystal George Studios.